My own small oasis

March 28, 2008

The Campaign Period

Filed under: Uncategorized — smalloasis @ 3:52 pm

Every morning, on the way to the office, I see lots of banners with huge picture. But it’s not just some picture. It’s the picture of the candidates for mayor of this city. Yup, it’s campaign time!!

Actually, it’s not a campaign period. At least, not just yet. The official campaign period won’t be started until a few months to come, I think.


There’s a rule which prohibits this kinda action. It says that no campaign allowed before the campaign period (Which is usually a month before the election day).

But the candidates think that they need to be acknowledged way before that. It’s a popularity contest!! They need to be known by the citizen way before the election day. It doesn’t really matter what programs they’ve got, cos as long as they’re quite famous, the possibility on winning the election will increase.

So, how do they ‘deal’ with this rule, which prohibits them from campaigning them self?

They simply bend the rule..

Instead of putting the campaign banners, they put public service banners. Those banners don’t say “Vote for me!” or something like that, but it says, “Keep this city clean” .

The trick is, they write those words so small, as if it’s not an important part of the banner, and put a HUGE picture of the candidate. With this trick, the government can’t blame them for putting a campaign banner, cos it is NOT a campaign banner!! It’s just one of those public service messages … And the candidates will gain popularity.

Amazing isn’t it, how we can be so creative when it comes to bending the rule..

This morning, from a distance I saw a banner with the picture of a fat cute guy. And I spontaneously turned my head to see it more closely, and saying to my self, ”Who is this candidate?? I’d surely vote for him!!” After a while, and get a closer look at the banner, I realize it’s the picture of Mike from The Indonesian Idol, promoting some cellular provider.


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